I've lost something

My initial interest in electronic music started with certain artists that challenged its form and used it in away to create something beautiful.

 It was the act of rebellion that initially caught my ears and expanded my own thinking. So I thought as an electronic music enthusiast, that i would share my experience and what influenced my attention to it.

After sifting through the internet, I found what  i wanted to promote and to encourage.

I've always been bombarded by other styles; alright, i am aware that there are vastly different style of electronic music and that i shouldn't be one to neglect or narrow others styles. However, I am always on the look out for those who are in to creating works of beauty. Beauty that will shine beyond the first listen and will take its place in time.

Just because someone has mastered techniques that makes music, well it doesn't mean they will have genius or have discovered an idea that inspired them to create beautiful works.

So from now on, I will be very stringent in selecting music to share on this site and i will ask a lot of theses artists and their promoters to gain my respect. Just because you emailed me a bio and some free music, this does not mean that i will share it on this site.

I'm looking to build an amazingly crafted boat that will float on water and i won't no let it sink, because I am determined to host like minded individuals with a means to showcase their passions. 

Simply, Provide us with your art and your dreams. 

Now it is your turn to change my mind.