Dear Readers, 
The inbox is a result of a flash flood of tracks that my soundcloud account receives from time to time. I spend an hour or two each day to look about to see what kinds of gems i might stumble over. 

Then again, some gems might make their own post if followed by a full album release promoting their album... sometimes the odd single catches my eye and i add some sort of flashy theme to it. 

Also, i  have not found any interest in doing interviews yet.... but i may do it in the future. Always looking  for others with the same interests and pursuits. If you'd like to contribute just let me know... of course i will ask for some sort of sample work but that is expected. 

Sadly i must end this and call it a night. Monday is on the way and i must catch some shut eye. But i won't leave you empty handed... found some great tunes.

Keep it Cool.