Between full time work and trying to start many different projects on the side i find it difficult sometimes to think about quality. I often feel like i should just spam everyone with every track and yes that could make things easier but at the same time does that give me a good rep by recommending shitty tracks. I'm not saying in the past I've posted shitty music, I'm just saying it would make things a lot easier for me in getting content on this blog and not have to wander the Internet and do the research cause i really should be sleeping to wake up in the morning. But a second passes and i realize why i do the work because i really enjoy the music that i post and why would i want those who enjoy my post suffer at my lack of effort. So my tastes in music will not change and don't worry about  crummy work because i won't give up no matter what, although my post will be a little more spread apart than they use to. But i will promise this one thing, i will try my best to put some quality input on the blog and post tracks that i think are significant.

Questions by DVAS

03 Electric Youth - Right Back To You (DVAS Remix) by DVAS


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