Please focus now people, theses times are tough. And the only way to really let loose that tension built up by either a terrible work week or the nagging, mind blundering pre exam phase that studious folks often deal with around this time is to hit the dance floor and smash to some real banging tunes. It's friday night and you want to let loose maybe get a haircut. As soon as the end of your shift winds down first step is to check with your communicator and get in contact with your comrades.
i've decide to make a list.
1. intro
  • nap
  • shave/shower/floss
  • brush hair
  • turn on some tunes
  • sing and dance little in the mirror
  • make sure you are half clothed but appropriate enough to ward off religious dock knockers. 
  • grab a snack
  • cloth up
  • make sure socks match
  •      jump in car
  • fill car with beverages of the warming kind from beverage store.
  • drop beverages off at the pre-drink location
  • OR FIND SOME WAY TO GET there all prepared. 
  • TRY TO eliminate the drama and bullshit of everyone else or they will ruin the chill atmosphere. 
  • then hit the club prepared for the wait. 
  • try to stay in the club longer than you did to get into the club
  • then the rest is up to whatever shenanigans  you can get into.